
1 and 2 Samuel is unavailable, but you can change that!

The immediate purpose of the Book of Samuel was to narrate the circumstances surrounding the founding of the monarchy in Israel with Saul, the fascinating relationships between Saul and David, and David's rise to the throne. First Samuel narrates the expansion of the kingdom of Israel into an important power. Second Samuel deals with the covenant with David, his sin and fall from favor, and the...

1. The time of his pilgrimage. Year after year is lit., “from days to days,” a phrase which elsewhere refers to a statutory annual religious observance. Elkanah made annual religious pilgrimages with his family. Did he ignore the Mosaic requirement to attend three annual festivals (Passover and Pentecost in the Spring, Tabernacles in the Fall) at the central sanctuary? (cf. Exod 34:23; Deut 16:16). Not necessarily. Families were not required to attend any festival. Elkanah, however, took his family
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